If you originally purchased Paprika 3 for Android on another device and are attempting to restore your purchase on a new device:
Your purchase is linked to the Google Play Store account used to make the original purchase. Please ensure that you are logged into the Google Play Store on your new device using the exact same Google account you used to purchase Paprika 3 for Android initially. If you are trying to restore your purchase on a device with a different Google account, it will not be able to detect your original purchase. If you originally downloaded the app using a different Google account, you may also need to reinstall the app after switching to the correct account in the Play Store.
(In the majority of cases, we find that this issue is caused by someone using a new Google Play Store account on their new device instead of logging into their existing one.)
If you have just purchased Paprika 3 for Android (within the last few days):
We have noticed it sometimes takes a while for the Google Play Store to detect a purchase that was made on another device. Please wait a bit, and then try restoring the purchase again and it should pick it up eventually. The advice above also applies here.
If after 24 hours you are still unable to restore your purchase, we suggest clearing your Google Play Store cache and trying again:
- Go to your Android Settings -> Apps (or Application Manager, depending on your version of Android).
- Scroll down and click on Google Play Store.
- Press Clear Data and Clear Cache.
If you purchased the original version of Paprika for Android but have not purchased Paprika 3 for Android:
Paprika 3 was released in 2018 as a paid upgrade from the previous version. If you purchased Paprika 1 but have not purchased Paprika 3, you can either:
- Reinstall the original version of Paprika by following these instructions: https://paprikaapp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037142954-How-do-I-reinstall-Paprika-v1-from-the-Google-Play-Store-
- Or purchase Paprika 3 in order to get access to the new features available in Paprika 3. You can learn about what's new in Paprika 3 here: https://www.paprikaapp.com/blog/2018/11/14/paprika-3-0-is-now-available-for-android/
If you purchased Paprika for iOS, Mac, or Windows but have not purchased Paprika 3 for Android:
Please note that the Android version of Paprika is sold separately from the other versions. The Restore Purchase option only applies to people who have previously purchased Paprika 3 for Android.